Stryga #1 – Printed Fanzine, Black Metal & Art


Stryga features interviews, articles and creations by a horde of hags from multiple countries. A zine focused on underground black metal, art, culture, dark old school imagery, with an affinity for Folklore, History, Litterature, Occult paxis, Sociology, and other inspiring fields.

Stryga is printed on thick recycled paper, in a traditional offset process with a rough black ink. The raw matte finish gives an organic feeling to delight paper fetishists. Written in English.


A5 ♦ 64 pages ♦ recycled heavy paper ♦ Limited to 380 copies ♦ 23 participants



Interviews : Feminazgûl (US) ♦ Hulder (US/BEL) ♦ Doodswens (NL)

Reviews : Velchans by Uhl (FR) ♦ Ancient womb of Mercury by Fayenne (SWE) ♦ Curse you all men! by Matriarkathum (SWE) …

Article : Non Serviam : On a few shrieking Sisterhood. About Per Faxneld’s study « Satanic Feminism« .

Artworks : Amina Dargham ♦ Chatonpute ♦ Cloporte ♦ Crossspitter ♦ Dhomth ♦ Fève D ♦ Feminihilist ♦ Ikosidio ♦ Kryptorgeist ♦ Lia Vesperale ♦ Maria Viirros ♦ Maud Amoretti ♦ Vetularum

Writings : Grünewald ♦ Isadora ♦ Lucienne ♦ Luna Baruta

Additional information

Weight0,110 kg
Dimensions21 × 15 × 0,5 cm


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LIXIVIAT Records The foul soundtrack for a burning world