Skizophrenia – Undead Melodies EP


Now, that’s about time ! 6 years since their last record, SKZ are back in full force with this 4th EP. Forging their sound in the old scandinivian and finnish 80’s raw punk scene and the likes of Pohjasakka, Vaurio, Appendix, Moderat Likvidation, Absurd… and adding a typical japanese nitro-fueled hardcore punk approach to it, this record is pure energy !! Not only these guys have had the most sincere attitude in Japan for the last 15 years, but they are also one of the most active band of the Empire right now; after playing Texas, touring Europe twice and Australia… hence the release of thie EP !

Released by SKZ records in Japan, Distort Reality in the US, Hardcore Victim in Australia and excusively by Kick Rock in Europe.

Attack !! Attack !! Attack !! Attack !!

SKIZOPHRENIA – undead melodies EP by Kick Rock

Additional information

Weight0,350 kg
Dimensions20 × 20 × 2 cm


In stock

LIXIVIAT Records The foul soundtrack for a burning world